Monday, August 1, 2011

The end

Final essay submitted, important files backed up, master log-book updated, internship keys (and fob) handed in, momma's tears shed as I walked across the stage during our graduation procession all combine to signify the end of the DC Experience.

My family came to pick me up and we stayed the night in a Residence Inn. I shared a bed with dallin.. and he totally stole the covers.. and sheet!! I tried yankin them from him but he'd yank em right back! hahaha I thought sleepin on the hard rock 50yr old Georgetown mattress was rough! So i got to sleep in my brand new Georgetown hoodie, compliments from mis padres for graduating from TFAS.

On Saturday we ventured back into DC and hit up the American History and Art museums, elena got her picture at Georgetown cupcakes.. the line was much to long to actually get a cupcake, I got another t-shirt and we were off.

We picked up some Wendys in VA, or tried to is more like it. 5 hungry stomachs ordering mostly off the $1 menu came to just $14?? Yah they missed a few things. After pulling ahead and having to order again and swipe the cards several times we were finally off. The nice VA man didn't want us to think poorly of VA and wanted to make sure it was all perfect and that we had everything.

Once we got home the kids unpacked.. and then repacked for Band Camp. Turns out my parents dropped them off at camp and continued on towards the beach?!? Without telling me!!

So. I'm back at home! And I'm all alone.. but no worries, I've plenty of stopped up sinks at work and Jury Duty this afternoon to keep me busy.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on graduation!! And all the Georgetown gear... :)

    Welcome back!
