Sunday, August 7, 2011

"Becoming Marriageable"

I gave the lesson in my Elders Quorum today. This was the information that I put on to a one-sheet handout that I gave to those in attendance. 
Becoming Marriageable
President Howard W. Hunter said this about marriage: “Being happily and successfully married is generally not so much a matter of marrying the right person as it is being the right person.” I like that. “The conscious effort to do one’s part fully is the greatest element contributing to success.”
-Thomas S. Monson

“If you are a young man of appropriate age and are not married, don’t waste time in idle pursuits. Get on with life and focus on getting married. Don’t just coast through this period of life. Young men, serve a worthy mission. Then make your highest priority finding a worthy, eternal companion. When you find you are developing an interest in a young woman, show her that you are an exceptional person that she would find interesting to know better. Take her to places that are worthwhile. Show some ingenuity. If you want to have a wonderful wife, you need to have her see you as a wonderful man and prospective husband.
-Richard G. Scott
“Brethren, there is a point at which it’s time to think seriously about marriage and to seek a companion with whom you want to spend eternity. If you choose wisely and if you are committed to the success of your marriage, there is nothing in this life which will bring you greater happiness.”
-Thomas S. Monson

- To educate future children
● Pursue higher education
● Gain knowledge

- To provide for family
● Networking
● Informational Interviews
● Internships

Personal Development
-- To provide service to those in need
● Physically, fitness and
healthy eating
● Finance, budgeting
● Auto maintenance
● Home repairs
● First Aid/CPR

- To educate future children
● Continue spiritual learning
● 3hr Church, Institute, FHE,
personal study, mission

- To provide for ward family
● Strengthens ward and helps
you learn and grow.
● Missionary work

Personal Development
- To provide service to those in need
● Priesthood, be worthy and
exercise it
● Use skills to bless the lives
of others

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Juror #8 Henry Fonda style

I had big shoes to fill. Juror #8 in 12 Angry Men was Henry Fonda. I'd say I did my job.

After a full day of listening to witnesses, many questions, quite a few objections, and nearly constant "may we approach?" (when the attorneys had a questions for the judge or had to explain an objection or reason for why they were asking a certain question) it was finally show time! We the jurors had been assembled in the Juror room many times before but were never allowed to discuss the trial at all. You know how hard that is haha?!?! So we only had about 30min on the first real day to talk it out after the actual trial and figure out where we stood.


Anyways, here's the case: Mr. E is rearended by Mr. G. Mr. G admits fault. No one is critically hurt. Mr. E goes home and his neck and head start hurting, from whip-lash. Goes to the doctor, gets some pain medicine, gets a CT scan. Next day he goes again cuz his head is still hurting way bad. More meds etc. Two months later he starts complaining about serious pain in his right shoulder. Goes into the doctor to get it checked out, MRI showed cartilage deterioration in several different places. 6 months after the accident he gets arthroscopic surgery in his right shoulder. He's filing the law suit against Mr. G for the surgery cuz he said it was directly related to the accident. 

BUT. The defense brought up alot of evidence that the plaintiff side 'neglected'. Like Mr. E's pre-existing condition in his shoulders. Had been to the doctors several years previously complaining about his shoulders, and it was due to increasing his weight lifting as he was preparing for bow-hunting season. His line of work as well included lifting 75-150lbs daily to and from his truck. He was fired from his job but not for the initial reason that Mr. E testified to. His credibility was brought into question when the defense asked him if he'd ever been counseled or warned concerning his excessive personal cell-phone use during work and he responded never. The defense admitted as evidence into the court an official warning that both Mr. E and his boss had signed stating exactly that, that he was spending too much time with personal calls and not enough actually working. Caught. Several other stories that Mr. E told differed from the accounts he gave in his deposition from directly following the accident. AND Mr. E had been in TWO accidents following the one involving Mr. G. yet he was blamming Mr. G for having caused his need for surgery. 

So back to the Jury room where we began our deliberations. Two felt that they were not convinced that the accident HAD NOT caused the injury and that Mr. G should pay the full amount: $24,000. The majority of us felt that it was reasonable for Mr. G to pay the medical from the day of and day following the accident but given his lifestyle, previous medical history with his shoulder, and the accidents which followed, should not have to pay for the surgery. One felt that Mr. G shouldn't have to pay anything, that it was all a scam for Mr. E to get more money to pay off his bills.

So really we were at 2-9-1.

When we'd try and convince the two about why he shouldn't have to pay as much it just served to strengthen the one person's vote that he shouldn't have to pay anything. And when we tried to convince the one that he should at least have to pay for some of the bills it served to strengthen the other two's vote that he should be paying! haha kinda tricky..

Oh and by the way, we definitely had some of the characters from 12 Angry Men in our jury group haha.. the guy with the glasses who's well educated and had good points to bring up; the baseball guy who doesn't wanna be there, has his vote and isn't gonna change and just wants to get outta there; then you have the quiet guys who never had much to say and just followed the main stream. 

Then you had Juror #8: Henry Fonda. 

I brought up several good points that although it wasn't me against the 11 trying to talk them out of settling for the death penalty on such a clear-cut case, it still served to strengthen the argument and eventually led to the compromise and final amount.

Probably the best point I brought up, there were several but because they involved other evidence I haven't yet mentioned I won't bring up, was wondering when in all this process of additional accident, getting fired, and doctors visits and surgery was this suit filed. Haha it was classic 12 Angry Men, 'oh yah.. yah how about that? I hadn't thought about that..' haha. Luckily one of the girls had read on the door that the suit had been filed 642 days earlier. I did the math and then announced to the group that roughly the suit had been filed approximately 1 year after the surgery and 1 1/2yrs after the accident involving Mr. G. That seemed to suggest that Mr. E had incurred debt, both medical and for the accidents he'd caused, didn't know how to pay, and decided to file suit against Mr. G to try and get money. That helped to convince the other two that Mr. G shouldn't have to pay. We had convinced the one that Mr. G should at least pay for the medical expenses directly related to the actual accident.

So the majority of us were okay with an amount between $3600- $5000. The one was okay with 36 but the other was okay with 5 and didn't wanna move. When we were able to convince the 36 to come up to 4 we were still stuck and people started getting antsy. Lucky for them the voice of reason and compromise spoke and Juror #8 addressed the two obstinate Jurors. "We've discussed this trial extensively and we've come to an amount of $4000 and $5000. Let's each compromise just a bit more and meet at $4500." Done. No objections. Back to the court room and results are announced and case closed.

That's how you get work done baby.. Henry Fonda style

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Act like a man, man

Someone musta gotten the tip off about my having lived in DC the past two months cuz I got jury duty the first day back! AND I was first-round pick baby!! Juror Number 8.. outta 329!! That's like first-team all American right there man!

So I was trying to be optimistic about being there and all, trying to look forward to my chance to serve and be apart of our Nation's Justice System, especially after we were finally in the court room and they started introducing people. Wish I could share with you some of my other thoughts and observations of the day's proceedings but unfortunately I'm sworn to secrecy!

But. I will tell you about the lamest piece of human I think I've ever met. We were stuck trying to get one last Juror that both plaintiff and defense were okay with.. had been stuck one just trying to fill this one seat for about an hour when this kid comes up. He's got to be in his early 20's. The Judge said good afternoon and this kid said 'sup'. Seriously? That's just the beginning. So he answers the basic intro questions, I'm pretty sure he's not in college, prob just HS grad, started his own business: a batting cage. So he gets past the plaintiff side, they were okay with him.. which apparently wasn't what this kid was looking for. It was apparent he wanted to leave. Swiveling in his chair while talking with the attorneys etc. But then the defense attorney asked him essentially if there were anything that would dissuade him from being able to make a good sound decision in the case and even stand up for it with the rest of the jurors. The kids said honestly he wouldn't, that he would side with everyone else just to get it over with. ?!?!

The Defense Attorney was a little flustered, not quite sure what to do.. ended up chatting with the judge, after again asking the kid to try and focus on the facts and evidence that would be presented and the kid essentially said he wouldn't put forth much of an effort to do so. Well, he was released and some other person had to fill his spot. 

I was so disgusted! This kid was sitting right next to me and I was more than just tempted, I was extremely close to either slugging him or bluntly telling him to stinkin' suck it up and be a man! Did he really not think that any of us were just dying to be there?? We all had places we'd rather be, things we gotta get done.. BUT the rest of us understood that it is our duty, our privilege even, to serve as Jurors. This is how our nation's justice system works! WE THE PEOPLE judge ourselves! If we expect the system to work when we are in need on the other side, be it criminal or civil court, we'd better be willing to work the other side of the system too.

What it boils down to tho is selfishness. This kid couldn't get past himself to realize what it was all about. His flaking out caused someone else to have to pick up his duty. Feel like instead of being allowed to leave he shoulda had some sentence passed, floggin, or so many hours of community service. That's exactly what he needs. Get over himself and help someone else. That's one of the reasons service is so important. Helps us keep a good perspective on life and keeps us humble while someone else who is in need benefits thereby. We're all winners when we serve. 

But just in general selfishness causes soooo much grief in the world. I think it's one of the main causes of traffic accidents.. you get people who either try and race recklessly ahead of everyone else or won't let anyone else in etc. tons of examples like that but in so many cases it just ends up making people mad and even causing accidents. I think the main cause of divorce is selfishness. When one starts to put themselves before the other you begin to have problems. Marriage can't last when selfishness prevails.

Anyways, I'm just not sure I've really ever seen anything quite like it before. Really bothered me. And what's bad is I know he's not the only one. What worries me is how many more like him are there? Is it a generational change? If so, how do you fix it? And what would his mother say if she'd been there to witness that act?!?!

Monday, August 1, 2011

The end

Final essay submitted, important files backed up, master log-book updated, internship keys (and fob) handed in, momma's tears shed as I walked across the stage during our graduation procession all combine to signify the end of the DC Experience.

My family came to pick me up and we stayed the night in a Residence Inn. I shared a bed with dallin.. and he totally stole the covers.. and sheet!! I tried yankin them from him but he'd yank em right back! hahaha I thought sleepin on the hard rock 50yr old Georgetown mattress was rough! So i got to sleep in my brand new Georgetown hoodie, compliments from mis padres for graduating from TFAS.

On Saturday we ventured back into DC and hit up the American History and Art museums, elena got her picture at Georgetown cupcakes.. the line was much to long to actually get a cupcake, I got another t-shirt and we were off.

We picked up some Wendys in VA, or tried to is more like it. 5 hungry stomachs ordering mostly off the $1 menu came to just $14?? Yah they missed a few things. After pulling ahead and having to order again and swipe the cards several times we were finally off. The nice VA man didn't want us to think poorly of VA and wanted to make sure it was all perfect and that we had everything.

Once we got home the kids unpacked.. and then repacked for Band Camp. Turns out my parents dropped them off at camp and continued on towards the beach?!? Without telling me!!

So. I'm back at home! And I'm all alone.. but no worries, I've plenty of stopped up sinks at work and Jury Duty this afternoon to keep me busy.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Food in DC (and more about my tie too)

I didn't even think about the fact that I would be having lunch at the Democrat National Club when I put my red tie on this morning. I expected wholeheartedly to get chewed out by lots of people, most especially and most likely by my supervisor especially considering how she'd about died the day I showed up wearing a grey suit and we were going to the hill.. big no-no. I was somewhat disappointed that my tie did not even spark a hint of controversy throughout the entire day. I think I was mostly disappointed because had I at least gotten chewed out it would have meant that at least someone had noticed my ridiculously good-looking tie. Or maybe my tie was noticed and those who chose to be offended by a red tie in a Democrat National Club lunch room were so taken aback by the outstanding beauty of the tie and that of its bearer that all thoughts of hate and resentment ceased only to be filled with love and ... and more love. I think I'll call my red tie the pacifier. Hmm maybe I should wear it and sneak into Congress with all this debt ceiling business.. be able to really bring things to a compromise..

Anyways the meal was excellent and even more delicious since I didn't have to pay for it! Mmm baby! Those are the best kinda meals! haha We were meeting with a professional lobbyist and we asked him tips for gaining more support for our resolution.. and to make sure everything we were doing was legal and all haha. Soo turns out we're basically already doing everything right and in the right order and just need to keep on keeping on.

I was very grateful for the full-course meal though, especially considering my recent Saturday night fiasco. We had a coupon for this pizza place and a large pizza one topping for $10 was looking great.. and then with my uncanny wit and intuition decided to run up to the Georgetown student-run grocery store to buy a frozen pizza and make that! Even cheaper right?!?! Wrong. That dang pizza was not only the same price but it wasn't even frozen!!! My suite mate told me to take it back but well idk.. I wasn't feelin it. Mostly I just didn't wanna be 'that guy' and cause problems for other people. I tried to cook the soft un-frozen pizza but had to stop it like 10min short of being done cuz the cheese was already done and any more and it woulda been toast! So I stuck it in the microwave! haha just to make sure the middle was at least cooked through of whatever had creeped in while it was unfrozen in the student-run grocery store. So it wasn't quite like pizza soup but well the middle definitely wasn't all the way solid hahaha. I was totally kicking myself for not just going ahead with the dang delivery. I'm not saying I was completely wrong in my logic and reasoning to save money by going to the store, no no. I was wrong to put my faith in a 'student-run' grocery store. Yah.. the collected pile of grease in the corner of the freezer in the pizza section shoulda been a dead give away.. Oh well.. whatever doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger right?!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

H. Res. 333 (What I've been doing for the past 2 months)

The past several weeks I've been working on gaining support for H Res 333, a house resolution honoring American POWs of WWII. Last year the Japanese government officially apologized for the atrocities committed against American POWs during WWII (like the bataan death march). This resolution officially thanks them for their apology and requests the Japanese companies that purchased POWs and used them for slave labor also acknowledge and apologize for their mistreatment. 

The first several weeks at my internship I spent creating MANY different spreadsheets and databases. I've looked up which congressman represent districts that had battalions that marched the death march; which congressman are on the Foreign Affairs committee, which congressman supported similar POW resolutions in the past, and also which congressman made recent trips to Corregidor. All this information is in my spreadsheets, including: room numbers, telephone numbers, who their Chief of Staff and Veterans Affairs Legislative Assistant are, what bills and resolutions they've supported, how many times we've emailed, called, or visited. It's a big spreadsheet.

Research complete and our resolution having been introduced and receiving a name (that was exciting :) I was gonna name it larry but apparently you gotta name it a number.. poor larry ;) ) it was time to go get some congressman to support it. I've sent out nearly 75 detailed and personal emails to congressional offices requesting their support. When I mean detailed I mean besides introducing and explaining the resolution I also told them what bills and resolutions the congressman had supported in the past, whether he had battalions that fought on bataan or corregidor, and so on. I also had different emails I'd send to Republicans and Democrats, had to changed the wording around a bit to play to their interests. After about a week I then called them up and tried speaking with their Veteran Affairs Legislative Assistant to follow up on the email. That hardly ever happened, maybe like one in eight? And generally when I was able to speak with them they hadn't read the email and hadn't heard of the resolution either. I left voice messages with those I wasn't able to speak with directly. Just gotta get the word out!

When given a name the resolution was then assigned to a specific committee. In order to pass in the Foreign Affairs committee before being considered for house vote the resolution has to have at least 25 co-sponsers, 12 of whom have to be on the Foreign Affairs committee. We've been gaining on average about a 1/4 co-sponsor each day (meaning we get another co-sponsor about every 4 days-ish) for the past couple weeks. But it's started picking up here because of the emails and phone calls I've been making! Almost one a day! We just hit the minimum 25 yesterday!!! Now we just need 6 more Foreign Affair congressman to sign up to co-sponsor the resolution. 

Haha thing is, even when we get the minimum requirements we still gotta wait for the Foreign Affairs committee chair to push our resolution to the top of the pile to have it discussed and voted on in committee. If it makes it outta the committee same thing has to happen in the house.. Speaker of the House has to push it to the top of the list and have it voted on. Still got a long long way to go but this is the first step.

I've got 4 days left.. I'm trying to convince my supervisor to allow me to go up to the hill to try and speak with the Veterans Affairs LAs in person since I've already emailed and called. Figure if my beautifully scripted emails or sultry voice aren't enough that a little in-person visual can't hurt right? Especially when you've got this face.. ;) they don't stand a chance..

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Going once, twice, SOLD!

Our program has several different institutes. I am apart of the International Affairs section of the Institute on Comparative Economic and Political Systems. There's a business institute, and among others a Philanthropy Institute. This institute has had several different fundraisers in order to raise money to give to a nearby charity at the end of our program. One of these fundraisers was a date auction. I didn't actually attend or participate.. but my roommates did and they have stories.

Scenario One: 

One roommate of mine is loaded. LOADED. I knew money wasn't really a concern to him but I had no idea just how much a concern it wasn't till I heard this story! So the last date is ready to be auctioned off. It's 4 of the Program Advisers (all girls) and they'd talked to my roommate and told him that they were nervous that no one would bid for them. He said he'd bid and not to worry. So the bidding started off and in a jiffy was already up to $100!! Is that not ridiculous?!?! It's essentially between my roommate and one other kid, going back and forth. So my roommate continues to bid and it gets to the point where it's his turn to bid $150.. but he decides to go for the throat: "I'll bid $200 if the date includes the auctioneer". Apparently the auctioneer was quite the looker.. Haha it took some persuading but she accepted and my roommate got the date with 4 PA's and the auctioneer for $200!!!!!!!!! Ohhh man, just think how many NORMAL dates you could go on with that much money.. Funny thing is tho.. since the auction my roommate has been unable to track down the auctioneer..

Scenario two:

My real roommate, the one I actually share a room with, is more normal concerning $$ woes. He started bidding for one girl but the price got too high so stopped, but then did end up bidding and winning another girl for $50. Still quite a bit just to go out for ice cream. BUT!! Same thing happened with him too! It's been nearly two weeks and she has been MIA!!!

Both roommates have been trying to contact them via cell phone but neither has responded!! How messed up is that?!?! These guys paid good $$ just to go out ONCE to dinner or to get ice cream. What were these girls expecting?!?! They'd agreed to be auctioned off which guess what?? Also means you gotta actually go out on the date with the guy who bids highest!!!

The second scenario girl just recently responded to my roommates texts, which were well spaced out and not too pushy mind you, and she requested that roommates be able to go on the date too!?!?!?! hahaha oh man.. he didn't bend too easily tho. She then said that she just didn't want him to get any wrong ideas or impressions cuz she has someone back home..

Hmm, i wonder how much I'd go for.. haha maybe that's it! They just wanted to know how much they'd go for.. not actually go through with it!! sneaky.. Anyways, pretty funny and unique experience i'd say..

Monday, July 18, 2011

Simon Peter, the disciple, a boy scout?

John 18:10 "Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus."

BSA Motto: Be prepared.

Did the other disciples have swords ready just in case? Doens't look like it. They'd been warned things were gonna get ugly soon and Peter was ready for it! Gosh I bet he was even an Eagle Scout.. Even if the others did have swords they sure didn't act did they? Nope. Just Peter.

Now of course then soon after Peter denies knowing or having associated with Christ three times. And who was the 3rd person who accused Peter of having worked with Jesus?

John 10: 26: "The One of the servants of the high priest, being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off, saith, Did not I see thee in the garden with him?

Malchus. Back again. Kinda interesting tho isn't it? Do you think Malchus was still all fired up and ready to capture Christ? He'd just had a super traumatic and incredible experience!! Had his right ear lobbed off by Peter and then completely restored within seconds by the man who he was supposed to be taking to his death! I'm thinkin I would have had a change of heart.. but maybe not about the guy who lobbed my ear off haha.
But here's another thought. Peter met Malchus in a somewhat of a 'judgement day' experience. It was that final denial that set the cock crowing. Kinda feel like it was more than just by chance that it was Malchus, he to whom Peter had wronged, that he had to face before the 'end'. Also somewhat a 'what goes around comes around' feel to it doesn't it..

Whatever the case may be, bitter tears followed. After his sincere repentance however, Christ then allows Peter the opportunity to acknowledge his belief in and love for Him. The Lord asks Peter three times whether he loves Him to which he responds in the affirmative.

We all pass through experiences that humble us. That's how we grow and become better. Following those trying experiences Peter became the leader of the Church, the rock.

So really, just cuz we're Eagle Scouts doesn't mean we're perfect.. yet. ;)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week of a lifetime

My goodness I apologize for the long gap in communication!! This week has been crazy!! Besides the normal everyday craziness of interning and evening classes, which is a full week in itself, this week we also had:

- a Freedom award ceremony for Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (somewhat convroverstial..) in the Hilton Hotel fancy meeting hall! 3 square meal baby!! Good eatin'!
- a visit to Langley, VA where we were briefed on the CIA. I'd love to tell you what we were told but well I can't.. top secret, sorry..
- enjoyed a lecture from former Ambassador to Estonia, Aldonna Wos entitled 'Freedom is Not for Free'.
- somehow had time somewhere to play bball at the Georgetown Gym. Had to get my exercise in for the month. I played with one of the girls in my program. She skunked us in 21 and then again in 2-on-2. Dang girls who can play ball.. I kinda have a thing for those.. ;)
- a visit to the State Department. Not soo top secret but still don't wanna get in trouble by saying something..
- a visit to the Czech Republic Embassy. haha which has a funny history of its current location (rumor has it that during the cold war one of the staffers defected and threw all the top secret files in the street when they were situated just off Mass. like all the other embassies. The communists couldn't do anything to stop the staffer cuz once he made it to the street he was on US territory! SO they packed up and went way the heck north of DC, away from everyone else. They also made sure to have plenty of room between the building and the barbed wire fence (that points inwards to keep people in btw) so that if anyone tried to defect again they could shoot them before they made it to 'US territory'.)
- 'photo scavenger hunt' on the mall at night. ice cream in chinatown.
- attended 'The Fiddler on the Roof' at Wolf Trap with my internship group (my supervisor was kind enough to take us). And then we enjoyed a bbq at her place following where we got to meet with former interns. Once again met a very good contact.. she had lots of answers about American University. Looking at that for Grad school potentially.
- attended mass at the National Cathedral after church on Sunday.

But I mean really.. who wants to be able to look out the window and see the Washington Monument every morning, or see the Vice President's caravan speed by Dupont Circle at least once a week, or have to call and email Congressional Offices to explain a bi-partisan resolution for work, who wants to wear a suit in DC??? anyways..

In short I'm really really really looking forward to just being able to unclog sinks full-time again.  

Umm yah, that's sarcasm.

Just two short weeks left :(

What would you do if you had 2 weekends left in DC??

Monday, July 11, 2011

Thesis on Feminism

I overheard a conversation between a guy and girl following class on our way back to the apartment. The guy comments on how hungry he is and how he can't wait to go to 5 Guys to eat. The girl asks why he doesn't eat something at the apartment? There's no food, he replies. She responds by saying that it's really typical of guys and that all the refrigerators of the girls she knows are chock full and are difficult to shut sometimes cuz they're so full of food! 

I thought it was funny how they were both just saying it as tho it were matter-of-fact.. it just so happened that girls just happen to always have food while guys never do, and that there's no thought to change or adjust one's habits?? Like if you're buying too much food.. stop buying so much!! If you never have any food.. start buying some!! Seems like guys and girls were meant to be together.. feel that way the fridge is always in equilibrium :)

But I started thinking. Girls just innately enjoy spending money. They enjoy shopping. Guys, moreso because they're lazy and don't want to put in the effort required to do so, don't. I'm thinking that following the Keynesian method of economic stimulation allow this feminist movement to really take off!!! Put girls in charge of everything! If they're responsible for 'bringing home the bacon' there's going to be more work accomplished, cuz they're girls.. they get things done.. so not only will they be earning more money but they'll also be SPENDING more money!! Can you imagine all the revenue flowing into the economy?!?! This will undoubtedly jump-start our struggling economy and bring it back to full health and beyond!! Genius!!

Before you get too carried away and start writing your congressman informing them of this incredible discover and means to economic success (okay let's be serious none of you know how your Congressman is.. you'd have to look it up huh?) we should think about the drawbacks. 

This brings me to my main and personal opinion on feminism. (haha goin out on a long limb and hoping the branch doesn't snap.. aka don't hate me cuz of my opinion ;) ) Feminism in terms of equal rights is super. I think girls should have equal rights hands down. Men and women were created equal. They are necessary to the other, no one is greater than the other, they should work together as an equal team in love and harmony. They do however have different functions to society that they inherently perform better. Man is the protector and provider to the family while the woman nurtures it. I fear that the hype of feminism sways women to feel that they MUST obtain high-ranking jobs and that a woman fails if she does not do so, aka stay-at-home-mom. It's generally looked down upon now isn't it? 

So what does happen if the movement continues and woman replaces the man? What does happen if the roles reverse? Okay honestly I have no doubt that as I previously mentioned that more work would be accomplished. Women are amazing. There's no stopping a woman when she's put her mind to something. She is not easily swayed or tempted like men are. When she is dedicated you better make sure you're on her side cuz if you're in the way.. well you won't be for long. But do you really think the man can nurture the family?? Seriously?? I feel like the house would literally crumble into pieces not only physically but more importantly emotionally, socially, spiritually etc. etc. etc. They're just not nurturers!

(Again please realize I'm being extremely general. My dad for example would not let my house fall apart in any sense and if he really had the time w/out a job he would most likely be running the up-keep of everybody's houses in our near proximity as well!)

The family is the basic unit of society. If the family starts to fall apart, society will soon follow it. Both the man and the woman are essential to the maintaining of it. It becomes extremely difficult when one is removed from the picture (divorce or separation) or when the roles are reversed. Not impossible mind you, but certainly more difficult.

It is therefore my very unprofessional opinion that fully promoting and expanding the feminist movement will result in a great stimulation of the economy but also to the complete deterioration of society.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Networking #3

This pretty girl sits down next to me in Sunday School. I'm too nervous to say anything. Luckily she's more courageous than I. She asked if we'd met and what my name was. I told her we hadn't met and told her I was just an intern, but that my name was Jeff. She asked for my last name. Despain. She said she'd heard about me. 

Hahaha what do you even say to that?!?! I don't know anyone in the stinking ward!! How in the world had she heard about me?? What had she heard about me?? And from whom?!?!?! 

I'm thoroughly convinced half the world revolves around Michael Skeen. When he's present he's the center of attention. When he's out of town, which is almost always, he's still the main topic of conversation. Now fully comprehend why he's out of town so much. Now I know he's not just the main topic in Raleigh/Durham. The man owns DC too!!! How many other cities I've no idea.. Turns out he attended a conference up here this weekend, they know each other, and he'd asked her if she'd met me yet, knowing I was in the ward..

Well, now she can say she has :)

It's all about knowing the right people baby! Networking rocks!! (and so does Skeen ;) )

The Merchant of Venice

I must say however much fun or entertaining the baseball game Friday night was, Saturday night was definitely better. I attended Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice performed by the DC Shakespeare Theatre Company. It was awesome!!! So cool! They did an awesome job! They were very creative and although it was a Shakespearean play it had a 1920's twist to it, all the costumes and even the accents haha. It was actually very well done. I think it also helped to lift the dark and depressing mood that was apparent throughout the play.

Despite the unsettling religious arguments and wrongdoings both thought and enacted because of selfishness and greed, which I think was to show just how cruel and down right ridiculous man-kind can be, despite religious preference, it was an excellent production!!! Obviously there were some funny parts, scattered throughout, especially the last few scenes. Very clever. Very much worth the student-discounted price we paid.

Oh gosh.. does this mean that I actually enjoyed a more mind-stimulating event as opposed to a sporting event?!?! What's DC done to me?!?!? ;)

What was fun was while we were waiting for the bus to come to take us home I realized that some of the actors had exited the building from a door like right behind us! It was so cool! I felt like we were supposed to go up and attack them with cameras and ask them to signature everything we had. I resisted. Not sure that's appropriate DC behavior. It was a tough call.. I'm still not sure I made the right choice. But they're just normal people!! One guy even rode off on his bike! The last two to leave were the main characters who in the play hated each other. When they'd exited the stage after applause etc. they'd left arm in arm. But they even left the actual building together. I hope that's kinda how this life turns out.. the people with whom we quarrel with the most turn out to become our best friends because we've been able to work through our differences and have humbled ourselves enough to allow that to happen. Nice thought anyways.. It was neat to see really..

Take me out to the ball game

I attended my first Major League Baseball game Friday night! Washington Nats vs the Colorado Rockies! I was glad I chose to go with Gou, my chinese friend, cuz then it totally looked like I knew what was going on! I was able to explain all the rules to him and got him going on the basic trash talk.. umm which doesn't work too well from the 5th level..

On the way to the ball park tho we were stopped by a guy handing out nats hats! He just handed them to us and we stopped and were like huh? For free? Really? Sure it's free! For a donation for the blah blah charity.. it was so weird! I'd never had someone hand me the item and then ask for money always the other way around.. me handing them the money and me receiving the item.. course come to think of it that never has happened before! Genius! Well I didn't have any money but Gou did, gave him $10 and then the guy asked Gou if he could help me out since I didn't bring any money.. I just gave my hat back instead of making him pay. Yah I'm a lame barterer. Shoulda said $10 for the both of us thanks have a nice day. Instead poor Gou got ripped off haha. He was okay with it tho.. it was his first hat he'd ever had. Ever.

So the strangeness of the hats continued. I notice all these people walking around all have the same hat on. Not the same one as Gou, a red/white/blue Nats hat. Someone was handing out free hats!!! I looked and looked but couldnt find them. We found our seats and enjoyed the game for a while but the fact that someone was handing out free Nats hats and I didn't have one was just too much to bear!! When this group of girls got back to their seats and all had those dang free hats I knew it was time to act. I was able to locate the source of the free hats. And just so happened they'd just handed out the last ones. 'We only get 10,000 a night..' 10,000 free hats??? 10,000 free hats and I didn't even get one of em!!! Oh well.. I still have my white Wolfpack hat.. what more do i need!

But what was cool was getting up to the main gates and getting ready to go through the check-out location when they stopped letting us in! Weird! And then I noticed everyone was faced towards the big-screen. They were bringing out the American flag and a quartet of brothers began to sing the National Anthem. How cool huh? Everything stopped out of respect. Pretty neat.

Despite a good-looking first inning the Nats didn't do much.. we were down by one (3-2) at the bottom of the 9th. A runner on 1st and no outs. We're getting excited and pumped and hoping for a big come-back finish.. yah the rockies get a double play. Bam. Epic fail. Oh well, can't win every time..

Friday, July 8, 2011

Identity Crisis

Ever since I was young I've had a special thing for ties. When I was 16 the Elders in our ward gave me two giant trash bags full of ties!! It was over 300 ties!! This simply caused this special thing I have for ties to augment. I never wore the same tie twice for years. Serving a mission to Japan where you can buy really cool ties for just $1 was heaven. It was the only item of a missionaries' outfit that could change. One's identity could be found in the tie. If you had cool ties your identity was cool. If you had lame-o ties, YOU were lame-o. 

I was no lame-o.

So you see I like ties. Now I get a monthly Asian tie from Meg who's in Taiwan right now. Let me embellish: really incredibly awesome Asian ties that have made all other ties I own seem second-rate. And remember, I wore no lame-o ties. That's how cool these Asian ties from Meg are. 

So. I was quite happy to know that I would be interning for an Asian-based organization. It gave me clear and direct permission and what I thought was blatant encouragement to wear these incredible expressions of my identity. So you can imagine the horror I experienced when my supervisor began telling me how ridiculous my ties were. How un-Washington they were. I responded that I knew they weren't DC-ties.. they were Asian ties!! I work for ASIA Policy Point!! She was not amused and threatened me by saying she was on the verge of taking me across the street to Brooks Brothers to buy me reasonably DC-looking ties.

Shot through the heart. Internal bleeding. Trying to breathe in Space.. No. Worse than even that.. my identity was squished. And just when I thought I was adjusting to and understanding DC..

Now. Just because she was the first and only person to ever insult one, okay or all, of my ties does not mean that I am beaten. No no. Remember I've experienced on two separate occasions to date 2 side-walk singers begin to sing about my tie as I walk by. It has served as means for inspiration to others as well as to myself in the DC area.

But. Being the innovative and entrepreneurial opportunity seeker that I am I have found the loop hole to the gross slanderings issued towards my identi.. I mean towards my ties: She's willing to buy me more ties since she doesn't like the one I currently own and wear. :) 

Operation 'Identity Boost': 

Action: Cease wearing the conservative Asian ties I've been wearing and bring out the big guns: the loud boisterous ties I haven't even worn yet.

Result: Enjoy an afternoon of shopping at Brooks Brothers for brand new ties to add to my collection, at no cost to me and at the approval of my supervisor. 

All players in the market benefit and prosper thereby. :)

I do believe I am beginning to get the hang of this DC thing.. ;)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Understanding DC

Much of the 'spare' time that we generally have has this week been spent meeting in groups for our internship class presentation. We've met every night and spent hours researching and discussing our topic and how to present it, or trying to do all that is more like it.

Here's the problem. Each of the 6 members of our group are apart of an incredible program that attracts some of the greatest college-aged thinkers and do-ers in America. Each person is ambitious, intelligent, highly opinionated, is a leader, and has lots of experience. (Haha and then there's me! Hehe I don't know how I got accepted into this club!!) But anyways.. you place them all in one group and tell them to create one idea. You come out with 6 ideas. You come out with 6 ideas and no one is willing to budge. Hours pass by and you realize that you haven't accomplished anything. Gosh this sounds awfully familiar.. where have I heard about his happening before.. oh wait!! We're in DC!!

No wonder all of our elected leaders have such a difficult time trying to get anything done!! You take our 'group project' situation and blow it up a billion times and that's congress!! You take a handful of each state's top picks, tell them to stand up for the citizens of their district/state and their beliefs and interests, put them into teams with team colors and team captains, and then throw them into a massive room with hundreds of other top-notch minds and leaders with the same resolve to their constituents who are on the opposing side and then try and come to a single conclusion with which everyone is happy and benefits thereby. Oh and let's not forget the cameras.. it's being televised too! It's a miracle anything gets done.

I hate to say it but from my experience here in DC so far the 'bright minds of the future' are an awful lot alike the ones of today.. but hey at least it'll provide for plenty of entertainment in years to come for America's most popular professional most-of-the-time-non-contact sport: Politics. Oh gosh that's an idea.. politics with full-body contact!! Oh man!! I think I just qualified the reasoning in my being here with these stubborn smarty-pants!! Gotta take advantage of those entrepreneurial opportunities! Innovation baby!! 

K gotta go write a bill about all this now.. 'i'm just a bill, yes i'm only a bill, and im sittin here on capitol hill..'

Let Freedom Ring: July 4th in DC

As the dark night sky blazes with color and smoke, ash from the colorful display floats gently down on thousands of heaven-tilted eye.

Chords of patriotism sound from the strings of the symphony to combine with the booming of fireworks to shake the earth.

Hundreds of tiny flashes of light from cameras struggle to capture the moment, all light combining to illuminate stone faces enshrined in monuments of respect.

The lights flash, melodies sound, and eyes turn toward heaven, all combining in one moment of thanks to those faces of stone who came before, who paved the way that we might live as we do; that we might not struggle in vain for that which they dedicated their lives:


Each flash of light, each chord that plays, each gazing eye can do so because they are free.

In awe, in thanks, indebted to them: the founding fathers of our freedom.

Let freedom ring.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Business Card Magic #2: Harvard Club

So signing up to have a mentor has certainly paid off. Not only did I get that free lunch and great blog post out of it but he also got me in touch with a friend of his who happens to be in charge of all the events for the Harvard Club! And it just happened that the upcoming event was a night at the Panama Embassy with the Ambassador! He told me to go ahead and sign up but when I looked more closely it was for members only and even then the members had to pay $40. :/ Woulda been nice.. Wait, except I have a mentor!! Not only did he get me into the event but got me in for FREEEEE!!! In exchange all I'd have to do was help Caren, the lady in charge of the event, pass out name tags at the beginning of the event which she later told me was just an excuse to let me in and in the end she wouldn't even let me help her, just told me to go talk to people haha. Cha-ching!!!

Umm but so instead of taking the metro I decided I had enough time that I could walk.. and then my google maps on my ipod wouldn't load while I was walking so I was stuck on what I remembered from the map.. In the end I ended up taking a wrong turn that lead me in the wrong direction.. I talked with a cop who came across as really self-important and I think was kinda upset that I had to ask him for directions.. twice hahaha. Umm mostly I think he wasn't too happy because he had no idea but since he was kinda supposed to be able to help and couldn't at all. Anyways, I FINALLY was able to hack someone's wifi long enough to load the stinking map, search for the address, and found out where I was and how lost I'd gotten myself. I decided that in order to not be totally and completely late I'd have to take a taxi.. ohh and plus I'd already walked probably close to 3miles by this point. So I started heading back in the direction of the embassy and along the way I'd try to wave a taxi down. Umm yah, didn't happen. Every taxi I tried to wave down already had a passenger and then the one taxi I missed of course was the empty one. And by the time I caught up to it at the light I was like a 5min walk from the place.. I weighed my opportunity costs and decided I'd keep my $10 and walk the 5min despite the fact I was 30min late..

Haha so I actually ended up walking past the place.. cuz see we were actually meeting at the Ambassador's residence and not the embassy and well the residence looked more like an embassy and I couldn't see the address or a sign but later on saw other Harvard-looking-people going inside so I joined them. Hahaha oh man it was great! Not only was the place immaculate and gorgeous but there were servants serving drinks and everyone had fancy glasses etc. Oh man I felt so weird!!! Hahaha. I was also a little worried about people's reaction to my not being affiliated with Harvard and yet being there and all.. Everyone I talked to was very friendly tho, I'm sure whatever they were drinking loosened them up a bit ;) I had ginger ale. Caren was nice enough to track some down for me. She was excited to hear in our previous conversation that I was a Mormon, knew Spanish, that my parents taught Spanish, dad had gone to Indiana University.. anyways basically we had a lot to talk about and she took good care of me. Hahaha but honestly I felt so weird walking around with the drink, looking like a Harvard person, that I gulped it down and got rid of it as fast as I could haha.

The first person I really talked with was Johnathan. He's from Panama, studied at Georgetown, American University, and University of Louisville, had done International Law, got bored and turned to Public Affairs..  and I didn't find out until near the end of our conversation that he was the Ambassador's Deputy!! He was like, 'oh excuse me I must call the Ambassador now, it's time for him to come meet people and deliver his speech, please excuse me..' hahaha oh if you've got to I guess!! So he calls the Ambassador and tells him it's time and a door above me opens and here comes the Ambassador walking down the stairs!! Hahaha boy did I feel like I had totally planned it all out but in reality was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.. haha I mean right place at the right time.. I was the first person to shake the Ambassador's hand!! Johnathan introduced me briefly and said I had perfect Spanish.. haha oh what a nice liar Latinos can be sometimes :)

The best word I can describe the Ambassador is jolly. He was just a happy happy guy!! haha didn't stop smiling and laughing the whole time!! Great guy!! I'd read up on Panama the night before so I'd be a little more prepared for conversation and to understand the speech etc. Paid off. Understood everything he was talking about what Panama has and is experiencing.

In short, I was able to talk to several people. Instead of going for quantity I went for quality. I hope it pays off.. Most of the people there could speak some Spanish and most had been to Panama before (or had houses there!!) so maybe I shoulda just gone around and tried to meet everyone and then come back around to those who would be the best contacts.. I don't know.. Anyways I talked to quite a few people. Got close to several of them and was able to exchange business cards with them and even gave some of them an envelope which contained my business card and my resume. I asked them to just look over it and maybe give me some suggestions or tips on how to improve it... (oh and if you have any friends who might want to hire me give it to them too hahaha ;) ). Everyone I talked to seemed very interested in me and was happy to help. Sneaking into the professional development series on resume/interview tips I wasn't signed up for that morning paid off.. good tips.. "people love being asked to help" thus my help-me-with-my-resume ploy, plus it gives a soft committment for them to get back in touch with me and if they don't approach me? well I've got their business card I can follow up with them :) I also committed one of the ladies I spoke with to get me in touch with her friend who is in the Foreign Service to ask her questions about her experience.. hahaha also a single female she added.. "always ask people for contacts". Check. Oh man.. taking over DC baby..

So just in case you think I'm boasting about myself just remember I got dreadfully lost earlier AND another few things that I gotta work on is knowing when your brains are getting sucked out of your head by a bug when talking with important people.. kinda embarrassing. I was talking with the Deputy when that one happened.. had a big ole red bug bite just in time to meet the Ambassador.. hahaha great.. AND when we were in line to get food one of the men I'd met earlier walked in and was going to get in the back of the line but I told him to hop in front of me.. He's Japanese and was very much impressed with my Japanese.. umm like all I said was 'are you japanese? oh it's so very nice to meet you! I lived in japan for 2 years as a missionary' and oh that was about it.. anyways he liked me :) So i let him hop in front since we're friends.. very Japanese-esque of me really. A guy a few people behind me tho was not happy about that hahaha. He didn't do anything but he did complain about it till he got to the food, not to my face but loud enough I could hear.. 'there was actually a line.. oh I guess he's more important than us..' things like that.. I felt bad at first but then he kept going on and I didn't feel bad anymore haha, what a disagreeable jerk face! I made him wait seriously an extra 15sec!! You're gonna get ur rich-people food in 45sec buddy!! Anways.. take home lesson for him is it pays to have contacts when waiting in line to get food.. had he walked in and had I known him I woulda let him in.. I can be a good contact too ;) But still.. bad form on my end..
But besides the blistered feet, swollen face, and ticking off the rich Harvard man, I'd given out 3 resumes and 4 business cards and received 4 cards in return and met maybe 8 others with whom I can easily get in touch with from Caren. Doubt I'll get a job from anything that happened that night but I've got more excellent contacts now from which I can gain great advice and even more contacts.. and let's not forget yet another single female Foreign Officer contact to add to the list ;)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Business Card Magic: Networking round 2

Tonight we had a round table discussion (with dinner provided!! :) ) with some of the alumni of our TFAS Program. We were able to ask questions and they were able to give advice. The man at our table was very informative, great guy. 

For dessert we were able to stand up and mingle with the other alumni and ask them questions. So I get in line to talk with this lady who'd worked on Capitol Hill and had talked about knowing quite a bit about foreign affairs/service. Lots of other people had the same idea. Had to wait a while but boy was it worth it!! :)

So let me preempt this by describing the TFAS student body: Geniuses. All of em. And then there's me.. I gotta average em out!! or something like that.. okay I snuck in.. :/

So she's getting asked all these wild and crazy questions about actual policies that are being implemented in certain parts of the world and their effects etc. and I'm just like okay these kids are overthinkin this just a bit.. I'm gonna ask her how to get a stinkin' job! 

So my turn FINALLY comes. I don't have much time so I gotta hit her with my info quick: "Hey! I'm Jeff Despain! (insert smolder here) I speak four languages. I'm thinking foreign service would be good no? Tell me more." Bam! So she talked about foreign service for a bit, how it works etc. 

Oh and another thing they teach you which I don't fully understand WHY yet but for whatever reason if you're gonna ask a question you gotta ask AT LEAST two, at the same time usually. Maybe it's supposed to show whoever you're asking that you've got a brain and can think of more than one question? But the person answering the question always has to ask what the questions were again or gets mixed up somehow so I really don't understand why, it just complicates things.

Anyways, so to be like all the other kids I ask her another question: what impact the foreign service has on raising a family. She asked if I was married and if I had kids yet. Hahaha I'm sorry but if you've seen me I look like I'm 17 still. But to be honest it was nice to hear from someone that I at least look like I could potentially already be married AND have offspring. With her personal question as to my marital status I looked around rather sheepishly and embarrassingly at the small crowd that had gathered.. and then noticed I was surrounded by a crowd a single girls. Hahaha and with the question I raised about raising a family (and remembering I'd just mentioned I speak 4 languages of course) I noticed all these girls' eyes were all starring at me and I swear they all blinked at me at the same time!! "Doink Doink" hahahaha. 

As if that wasn't good enough this lady then said that she has MANY single female foreign service/officer friends for whom she is on the lookout for suitable husbands. 


Hahaha gosh it was soo great. I then got to talk about my internship and how I was changing the world by having helped introduce a resolution into the House just last week, of course talking it down as if it were nothing, which really it is haha. All the sudden all the girls started asking me questions like what internship was it and how many kids I wanted to have (haha just kiddin) and honestly looking back I was trying to get outta there as soon as I could hahaha. But what was funny was when I asked if I could have her business card she seemed taken a back like why would you want mine when you have yours?!?!

I thanked her for time, her advice, and her future contacts. ;)

As I turned to leave she gathered the rest of the girls in closer and said: "Girls! I've found a wonderful bachelor for any interested single young ladies" Their giggles echoed off the walls as I strode out of the hall.. with my head a few sizes larger than when I entered ;)

Maybe I'm not so bad at networking afterall..

Monday, June 27, 2011

Ze element of surprise

So the opportunity to make a weekend trip home presented itself this week. It worked out perfectly thanks to Steph. She had a friend who had a friend who's in DC and was going down to Raleigh/Durham on Friday to meet up with friends and head back to DC after church on Sunday. I met up with him Friday afternoon and we hit the road.

I walked into my house and peered around.. no one. I walked into the living room and there was dallin, playin his video-game. He looked over and saw me and I just said hey what's up and walked away, he totally did a double-take haha. I went upstairs where mom was trying to figure out when her court date was.. I know right? Leave for a few weeks and momma starts breaking the law, or at least starts getting caught i guess.. ;) okay so she got called into jury duty and was trying to find out if they needed her when I walk in her room and say 'hey i left somethin in my room I'm just gonna go get it real quick' and then walked out hahaha. Once again I got a dazed and confused look. 'What are you doing home?? Did you get kicked outta ur program??' I surprised Elena the next morning. She was watching a movie with Dallin when she heard me upstairs.. didn't know it was me.. Dallin played along haha. "Dallin, do you hear that? Someone's upstairs.. mom already left right?" 'oh yeah, mom's already gone..' "Then who's upstairs??" 'Ehh i dunno..' So she was excited to see that it was me when I came downstairs.

Anyways I was able to surprise my whole family and lots of my friends, one of which still has my ears ringing cuz she screamed soo loud when she saw me at her door.. Poor neighbors, undoubtedly they're thinking someone got stabbed or shot. Nope. It's just me.. It's okay.. I'm used to it. I made babies cry in Japan just by looking at them.

But it was a great weekend. Was able to take Dallin golfing for his birthday. Was able to see him give a talk in Church. Was able to surprise my dad after he got home from running the study abroad program in Costa Rica for the past 6 weeks. Able to give both of them presents for bday/father's day. Able to allow mom to cut my hair ;) Able to show up to a ward activity and help pull it off. Able to go to church and fulfill my responsibilities there (which was been super hard to from DC). Great to see friends again. So it was great all around. :)

Now back to the grind..

Thursday, June 23, 2011

When I say Somalia, you say Pirates.

We talked about Somalia in our Econ class and only 2min of it was about pirates. It's a super interesting situation tho!!! It also happened to be the essay question on my mid-term.

So they were in a terrible condition back in the 80's, with the rural communities accounting for 2/3 of the GDP but only seeing 1/6 of that amount because of the corrupt leaders. Obviously lots of other bad conditions existed but to be brief the State collapsed in '91. Civil war erupted. Tribe fought against tribe. Each wanted to rise as the leader to benefit off the others but when the US and the UN withdrew their forces, no tribe was strong enough to clearly defeat and remain leader of the other tribes in the end. The fighting dissipated with this realization.

Somalia has since existed with a central government and even tho its conditions are still grim they've actually improved economically. Bigger corporations have found place there, as well as cell-phone companies who are unrestricted by government. Although the state collapsed their unit of currency did not fall with it. People still held a certain value to it and with that they were able to proceed. Counterfeiters of course arose and drove inflation through the roof till 1000 Somali Shilling is equal to like $.75.. about the cost required to produce that piece of currency! But they're still able to function with that value.

Plus, since there's no central government to impose taxes or tariffs there is perfectly free competition for basically all firms and organizations! It's been reported that Somalia has some of the clearest cell-phone service. Coca-cola and other large corporations are housed in Somalia as well.

But because there is no central government there is no enforcement of law right? But they do have law and order! It is carried out by their tribal leaders. There is a specific payment required of each crime. For inter-tribal crimes the tribal leaders meet and compromise on an appropriate payment. If they can't come to an agreement or want it checked they get a 3rd-party tribal leader to sort it out. Seems like it'd be pretty easy just to get outta of it tho right? Just don't show up or refuse to pay? Not if you want your family responsible for the payment. They sure don't! But because they are responsible if the offender doesn't pay usually the family 'strongly urges' them to pay. If something happens tho and they wont etc. you can vote them off the island essentially. They become an outcast of the tribe. And if they're killed? Well they weren't apart of the tribe so the tribal laws don't pertain to them! That's why the Somali Pirates aren't a problem to the people of Somalia. Within their own tribes they live within and respect the law.. but for the ships passing by?? Free game man!!

Obviously Somalia is still very poor but they are currently doing better economically without a central government than when they had one.. so like no government is better than a really corrupt one essentially.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"I don't like you anymore.."

I met with my mentor for lunch this afternoon. First time we've met. He's just there to help me if I have any questions while I'm here. A go to guy. He's a nice guy. Mid-30's, wife and two kids, worked in DC for 11 years and alumni of the program in which I currently participate. We talked about what he studied, how the program affected him, how he changed, and where he is today because of it. He gave me general feedback on life and work in DC. Then we talked about me: what I've done, what I'm doing now, and where I'm planning on going.

After me talking about me for about 2min he admitted he didn't like me anymore!! yikes!! geez!! what had I said?? All I'd said was I was an eagle scout, served a 2 year mission for my church, and when I was explaining how I'm not extremely proficient in Japanese he surprisingly asked what I'd been doing for the 2 years I was there?!?! Why hadn't I picked up Chinese or Korean while I was there?? Hadn't even been able to master Japanese?? So I of course had to tell him how I'd spent about half my time in Japan with Brazilians and as a result learned Portuguese. That's when he said I'd crossed the line and was now in his "i dont like you" group!!! Guess I learned my lesson huh? People don't like to hear you talk about yourself!!

haha okay okay so turns out he was kidding, but he has the driest sarcasm I've ever seen!! Absolutely no tonal difference or body language to suggest he did not actual mean what he was saying, while in fact believing just the opposite. Obviously I knew he was kidding.. or at least I really wanted him to be kidding.. cuz at the same time I was like "oh ouch, soft spot.. didn't even learn Japanese even tho I was there 2 years.. geez that's really harsh and we just barely met", but like I said! No clues otherwise.

So yah he opened up, wanted to hear more, and got all excited about all the possibilities that there are for me.. I'm glad he understands.. TOO many options. How in the world am I supposed to choose??

Turns out he says he knows someone who has connections with ALL the embassies. Turns out she's rather motherly and will take me under her wing, most likely place me directly in line to become the next Ambassador of the US to the World.. (practicing my dry sarcasm.. ), not to set the sights too high or anything. ;)

Anything is possible in DC

I will just add that we spoke alot about my mission and when the conversation turned to Salt Lake I was able to talk about Ainsley, who's currently serving in Temple Square. I then pull out my handy-dandy pass along card and let him know if he had any questions he could chat with my sister on :) 

Careful with putting too good a word in for me sis.. he already doesn't like me ;)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

I was able to visit the homestead of one of our great founding fathers today, George Washington's Mount Vernon. It was rather fitting that today was Father's Day as well!

George Washington was an altogether great and exemplary leader, about whom there is not much negative to say. When his country needed him he stepped up. When it was his time to step down he did so willingly. He did not seek for power or glory. He gave many great years of his life in service to his country.

My dad's not the President of our nation, or the General of our armies, but he is our family's father and a great leader. He works harder than anyone I know, except maybe his father but it'd be a close call :) He has never done anything of which I have been ashamed, embarrassed sometimes yes haha he's a goofy guy sometimes too. He provides for our family's financial, spiritual, and physical needs. He's a teacher and he teaches best by his unfailingly good example.

In short there's none greater.

Thanks Dad.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Be careful what you tell your children..

This morning we were able to go as a group and provide service to the Marvyn Gaye Park near DC. We split into two groups. One group cleared brush and trees and trash out of a major walkway area that the people use to get to the store.. which is mega far away. The other, our group, worked on building a fence around a community garden that they were making. Both groups got a lot done!

On our way back from providing service in the Marvyn Gaye Park near DC I heard one of the girls ask an advisor what the name of the lady that stands atop the capitol building is. It reminded me of a couple stories..

My parents always taught us that this lady's name is Frida, ya know like Frida Kalo the uni-brow spanish painter? I always thought it was sorta a strange name, but oh well! On a return trip they quizzed us again as to what her name was. Frida, we replied. And they busted up laughing? ?? Turns out her real name is freedom but on some tour they went on years ago the tour guide had such a strong accent it sounded like Frida..

Which reminds me of another time I took for granted what my parents taught me and later learned I was wrong. Anytime we'd have Chinese food and had soy sauce Dad always called it 'sudor de elefante' or elephant sweat. Weird right? Especially since there were all these ingredients that were made to make it and it never showed elephant sweat.. but oh well! Dad said it was elephant sweat. And so it was. Apparently that's what they called it in Ecuador when he was a missionary there.

So there I am. Spanish 2. Someone asks the teacher what soy sauce was in Spanish? The teacher opened it up to the class. Oh heck ya! Random Spanish word that I know and can show off in front of the class right? She calls on me.. 'sudor de elefante'. She gave me the most disgusted look I've ever gotten. No one else knew what it meant so she told everyone what it really meant and then I was getting that same look from everyone in the entire class.. I still haven't gotten over it.. No wonder I have such a hard time participating in class. Traumatic experience man..

Friday, June 17, 2011

"Dress standards" at the Hill

I’d forgotten about a pretty funny incidence that occurred before heading off to the hill on Wednesday.

Since I knew I was going to the Hill that day I figured I’d try and look my best to make a good impression, so the recently purchased sexy grey suit it was! And boy was I lookin’ good! Mmm mmm! Heads turnin’ all around me let me know that something was capturing the attention of everyone.. ohh yeah.. all eyes on me baby!

I walk in the door early as requested and as I wish my boss a good morning she said in a panic: “Oh not a grey suit! Ohh I didn’t tell you! Ugh! I should’ve told you you can’t wear a grey suit to the Hill! It just isn’t done! Well what’re we gonna do.. ugh! There just isn’t time. You’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. But you’ll see what I mean. Dark suits. That’s all they wear. Dark suits. No grey.”

Great. All my diligent preparations gone to absolute waste. Now I was DEF gonna stand out, but in the wrong way, it was gonna be painfully obvious I was an outsider..

The excitement of going to the Hill on official House Resolution business turned to anxiety.

So we get to the Hill and are walking the corridors of the office buildings of the congressmen and I’m trying to look for the ‘standard dress of the congressmen’. Maybe I’m just dumb but I couldn’t see it. If there were any consistent theme among the dress standards of those I saw in the corridors it was this: don’t match. Sheesh! The nastiest colored shirts matched with nastily designed ties. That’s what I saw. And I didn’t even notice a consistent theme with the suits either!

Hmm, now that I think about it the Republicans we met with all dressed very nicely.. the mis-matched guys in the halls musta been democrats.. ;)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The hill

I've been waiting for something funny to happen so I can write about.. okay okay, so I've been waiting for me to do something funny but I've just been really busy and haven't had time!!

But I did get to go to the Hill today :) That's pretty noteworthy I'd say. I went with my supervisor and we basically went to several different Congressman's offices to talk with their Chief of Staff or Legislative Assistants to let them know about our Resolution that is gonna get dropped in ONE WEEK!! We were asking them to be original co-sponsers, which is sorta a big deal. No one likes being the first one to sign.. it's much easier to sign something when you know all your buddies have and plus 100s of others. But we did really well! We seemed to have been able to convince most if not all the people we talked to! 

I did like how when we dropped by NC's 3rd District's Congressman's office I heard lots of 'y'alls'. :) Ahh.. home.

In the afternoon I went to a hearing on "China in 2020" but the speaker unfortunately had the thickest Chinese accent I've ever heard in my life. I'm honestly pretty sure that I could've understood him better had he just gone ahead and said it in Chinese. Plus he had this really annoying intermittent cough.. geez! Who does that?!?! 
(Okay, for those of you who don't know we call it a 'Japanese cough' and I had it for like 3 years and then it magically went away, so I'm being totally sarcastic towards this guy's 'japanese cough', can't blame him.. got so much goin on inside that noggin and it all just wants to come out and so I'm pretty sure that's what causes the intermittent coughing.. pure genius trying to escape, I seem to have been able to organize the genius-thinking well enough so its not all trying to jump out at once.. only logically explanation..)

Anyways don't ask me about China in 2020 cuz I have no idea.. wo bu shur dao! (means i dont know in chinese :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

"Be Prepared".. but not too prepared

I do believe there is such a thing as being over-prepared in certain situations. It's not an all together bad quality to possess.. I mean really it's awesome most of the time.. except for those times when it's not.. yah that's right, I've got another one of 'those' moments so yes prepare yourself to once again laugh out loud at my expense:

I maneuver the metro like a champ, getting off at all the right stops, making the line transfers look easy, and always finding the next metro already on the track, waiting for me. Clock work. 

I'd arrived at my destination, with plenty of time. I'm there to hear a professor from the University of Ottawa speak on Religion in China and how it will challenge the state. Should be pretty interesting. I walk up to the right entrance, a sneaky off to the left-not-the-main-entrance-entrance. I flash my ID at the guard standing at the entrance there and he waves me through. Clock work.

I got this DC thing down man..

I unload my pockets and chuck my bag into the scanner and walk through the security station. "Sir, you have a pocket knife in your bag". Clock work. This time for them.. not for me.

"Who me??" "I have a pocket knife in my bag?"

One of the guards radios for back-up. They already had 3 of em! Big guys too. Big black guys. How many more of em were they gonna need to take me down?! I could see em lookin me up and down and I could hear their thoughts: "We can take this guy.." I only hope they can't hear my thoughts: "they're seriously about to eat me.."

I go through my bag to find the pocket knife to hand it over to em and umm well.. it took me a couple minutes. I have a lot of stuff okay! I'm sure I have close to if not more than what is requisite to be considered a 72hr kit just in my back pack. I had granola bars. BARS. Plural. Lot's of em. I probably shoulda offered a couple of em to the guards.. ya know, ruin their appetites in a last minute effort to escape being eaten.. I got water, an apple, instant mac-and-cheese, highlighters, pens, pencils, sticky notes, deodorant, a tooth brush, tooth paste, hmm no hair gel.. should prob get some tho.. Ahh! Finally! The pocket knife! Relieved to have finally found it I remember it's bad and drop the smile..

I fork it over and the specialist takes a look at it.. 'dang!' He gives me a once-over.. again.. 'Is it longer than 2 1/2 inches?' Oh gosh! They're wondering if it's long enough to plunge into my heart to make it quick so they can hurry up and eat! They wanted to know where I was going etc.. And well in the end they let me go.. alive.. whole.. no pieces or chunks missing!!

The China talk was altogether uneventful.. especially in comparison to tryin to get in! The thing is, I don't even know where I got that knife! I'm thinkin someone planted it.. someone's on my tracks.. someone knew that I'm an Eagle Scout and am always prepared.. too prepared.

Evening meal

So I'm cookin up my evening meal right? Going all out.. frying up some chicken, fryin up an egg, toastin bread, making instant mac and cheese.. oh yeah.. living the high life baby! One of my roommates comes in and is hungry. Starts looking around for something to eat. Grabs a can of ravioli and the can opener. But this can opener is weird. Really weird.

As I eat he provides me with the entertainment for the night. After like 15min he still could not get it open! Kept tellin himself, oh come on! you've graduated from college! you should be able to open a can of ravioli! my favorite line however was: "oh well.. i guess ill just eat this brown sugar packet.." :)

Turns out the lid pops right off. Didn't even really need the can opener. :) So in the end he did get to enjoy his ravioli and I got to enjoy watching him succeed.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dork dot

One can only handle being 'dork dot'-ed so many times in one week. It really takes a lot out of you! Pride mostly so maybe it's not such a terrible thing after all.. unless you have depressive or suicidal tendencies to begin with of course, if that's the case then forget it! Don't let anyone dork dot you!

For those of you unfamiliar with the term 'dork dot', it occurs the very first day a missionary enters the Missionary Training Center. They receive a bright orange dot that is placed on their name tag. EVERYONE in the world knows that you're a newb. Other places and organizations aren't as cruel but there's a good reason the MTC needs to use these colorful and degrading dots. Most places simply use name tags. At the MTC everyone already has a name tag so you've gotta make the newbs really stand out..

Anyways so it wasn't so bad the first day at Georgetown cuz I mean everyone was new, everyone had a name tag! Which really.. at the same time is like if everyone is already new why even have name tags? Everyone knows that everyone is new! Hmm.. But at church today I was new. I introduced myself.. along with the 30 other new people that day(no seriously, there was like 30 other new people!) and then attended an orientation meeting for the new kids. This is where we were photographed, documented, and 'dork dot'-ed. Yup. I got a name tag at church. I totally understand the concept tho, those who are new are clearly marked and everyone can easily see you're new and should talk to you and find out who you are, so I wasn't too against the idea.. until of course it got to the point that no one was trying to meet me anymore! What made it even worse is people started trying to ignore the fact I had the name tag! They'd see it and then try and pretend like they hadn't so they wouldn't have to talk to the new kid! I literally had one guy turn his back against me to block me out! not even kidding! haha geez!

Anyways so it was mildly rough. As if getting dork dot-ed is bad enough, to have the 'meet the new kid' process not work was even worse. But there's seriously like 200-250 people that attend and the ward has such incredible turn-over (people leaving and people coming) and TONS of interns (essentially our ward's 'bug boys', or salesmen) so I understand not wanting to even bother meeting the new kid that's gonna be here for just a few weeks.. I ended up talking a lot with one of the other new guys, Troy, who also served a mission to Japan. He served in Kobe. We actually met a Japanese missionary who is serving in one of the wards we were able to speak with him for a bit.. yikes! It has been sooo long!! I was soo rusty!!! :/

I'm not going to be able to do like any of the activities that they have goin on during the week because I have class so church is pretty much it. But I sang in the choir today and helped the bass section out. About all I can do to help in the ward but at least it's something.. 

After the obligatory 3hrs I promptly removed my dork dot. Gotta go find my pride now.. ttyl